The data and applications in cloud computing reside in cyberspace, that allowing\nto users access data through any connection device, when you need to\ntransfer information over the cloud, you will lose control of it. There are multi\ntypes of security challenge must be understood and countermeasures. One of\nthe major security challenges is resources of the cloud computing infrastructures\nare provided as services over the Internet, and entire data in the cloud\ncomputing are reside over network resources, that enables the data to be\naccess through VMs. In this work, we describe security techniques for securing\na VCCI, VMMs such as Encryption and Key Management (EKM), Access\nControl Mechanisms (ACMs), Virtual Trusted Platform Module (vTPM),\nVirtual Firewall (VF), and Trusted Virtual Domains (TVDs). In this paper we\nfocus on security of virtual resources in Virtualized Cloud Computing Infrastructure\n(VCCI), Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) by describing types of\nattacks on VCCI, and vulnerabilities of VMMs and we describe the techniques\nfor securing a VCCI.